SE4 EP26: How I Structure eCommerce Facebook Ads Campaign Funnels that Consistently Deliver +7X ROAS

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In this episode, I cover the structure of Facebook ads campaigns in 2019. With CBO (Campaign Budget Optimised) campaigns becoming the defacto by September, this is the time to perfect structure. I cover, Top of Funnel Structure, Mid Funnel and Bottom of Funnel set up. We go through audience targeting and creatives.  This was actually a live stream in our Facebook group here:  

In this episode, I cover the structure of Facebook ads campaigns in 2019. With CBO (Campaign Budget Optimised) campaigns becoming the defacto by September, this is the time to perfect structure.

I cover, Top of Funnel Structure, Mid Funnel and Bottom of Funnel set up. We go through audience targeting and creatives. 

This was actually a live stream in our Facebook group here:




The eCommerce GrowthAccelerator Mastermind Facebook Group has just launched. It is a community...    ✔️ for founders and experts passionately involved in eCommerce  ✔️ for the truly ambitious wanting to make an impact in the markets they serve ✔️ for those willing and open to help and share with other members   Here is where to apply to join the Facebook group >>

Creators and Guests

Kunle Campbell
Kunle Campbell
Host of the 2X eCommerce Podcast and Co-Founder at OCTILLION
SE4 EP26: How I Structure eCommerce Facebook Ads Campaign Funnels that Consistently Deliver +7X ROAS
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