EP 76: This is what happens when Kim Kardashian Endorses Your Brand - LuMee case
Download MP3INFLUENCER MARKETING is THE HOT topic in MARKETING TODAY. If you are not doing influencer marketing, then your marketing is not deemed to be at the cutting edge. This particularly applies to the B2C (business to consumer) brand space. My guest on today’s show is playing at the very pinnacle of the INFLUENCER MARKETING space: celebrity endorsements. He has had Kim Kardashian on several occasions use his product and now officially endorse his product. The impact of her endorsement has been enormous to say the least. Allan Shoemake has been a professional photographer for more than 25 years, photographing U.S. Presidents, celebrities and C-level executives the world over. He created the LuMee case in 2014 after coming up with the idea while Skyping his daughter studying overseas, and realizing how bad the lighting was. He enjoys skiing and camping, and is a self professed grill master and middlingly successful golfer.
INFLUENCER MARKETING is THE HOT topic in MARKETING TODAY. If you are not doing influencer marketing, then your marketing is not deemed to be at the cutting edge. This particularly applies to the B2C (business to consumer) brand space. My guest on today’s show is playing at the very pinnacle of the INFLUENCER MARKETING space: celebrity endorsements. He has had Kim Kardashian on several occasions use his product and now officially endorse his product. The impact of her endorsement has been enormous to say the least. Allan Shoemake has been a professional photographer for more than 25 years, photographing U.S. Presidents, celebrities and C-level executives the world over. He created the LuMee case in 2014 after coming up with the idea while Skyping his daughter studying overseas, and realizing how bad the lighting was. He enjoys skiing and camping, and is a self professed grill master and middlingly successful golfer.